Why Muslims? Listen to Swiss woman who had converted

In order to cover the poverty

Why Muslims? Listen to Swiss woman who had converted [World of uniform: Turkey] but began from a black apron and white collar in order to obscure the poverty [As the gap between the rich and the poor is not to become clear between the students] adopt a uniform Turkey uniforms are very different in public and private schools and religious schools,. To begin with Turkey uniforms is adopted on the grounds that the Turkish Republic of the early 1980s [as the gap between the rich and the poor among students is not clear], was defined as [in black apron and white collar, black shoes] it was the beginning. And "uniforms for obscure poverty" This had been used until the 1980s. [Black uniforms give the mental adverse effects] color change in the opinion from the guardian But to 0 circa, from parents and teachers that came out opinion that [black uniforms want to change because it gives a psychological negative impact on elementary school students], from the color of the uniforms are black, are still in use that has been changed to the uniforms of turquoise blue.
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